Death Metal Band
From Italy in Germany

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Biografia (ENG) In 2003 in Giardinello (PA), Sicily, there was a death metal sound project by Piero Geloso and Raimondo Caltagirone. The band initially called Cadaver Mutilator. Established, thanks to many live events, including one with SUFFOCATION, promotion of demo “Hate Incubator” and the album “Carnasyum”. After the concert with SUFFOCATION, various internal problems lead to the birth of another band with the same name. At the end of 2007 the “original” Cadaver Mutilator include the following components: Raimondo Caltagirone (guitars) Piero Geloso (drums) Giuseppe Vitale (vocals) Francesco Petruso (bass). In March 2008 release “Anger Castles “. A remastering of the demo “Hate Incubator “and some songs of the album “Carnasyum “. In order not to create an annoying and unwanted juxtaposition to the band of Palermo, Cadaver Mutilator mutate their “original” name in HUMATOR. In April 2009, the HUMATOR released a new album “Memories from the abyss “. In September 2010 the band moved to Germany. In January 2012 the HUMATOR returned to Italy. The former guitarist Davide ‘DesmoPsiche’ Nobile joins the band. The years 2012-2018 were pretty quiet due to permanently changeing lineup. In 2016 Antonino Durante joined the band on the guitar , followed by Phil Dittlinger in early 2018 as vocalist. In May 2018 Humator played the first show after years with a constant lineup. The records for the following album ”Curse of the pharaoh” have been finished , too. IN 2018 the album will be released and some shows will behelb during the rest of the year… LINEUP: Ray Caltagirone : Guitars Piero Geloso : Drum Antonino Durante : Lead / rhythm guitars Simon Moch: Bass and Michael Bach: Vocals